Main differences between V1.6.2 and V1.7

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Some interesting evolutions and corrections have been implemented in this version but no incompatibility has been identified versus V1.6.x code source.

GPlotPanel evolutions

Now it is possible to initialize the starting directory when the widget is created (or via a setter method). It is also possible to deactivate the possibility to choose the file to plot (considering the name of the file has been initialized previously inside the code) : it allows to use GPlotPanel] for fixed configurations.

Status notion for GComboBox(WithLabel) widget

It is now possible to associate an error/warning status to some values proposed in a GComboBox or GComboBoxWithLabel widget.

Anomaly corrections

  • Copy Paste on GTable1D widget: after executing a "copy/paste" action on a GTable1D widget and if the result is only one modified vector (one value inside the vector but no size changing), the " * " character indicating a modification occured now appears.
  • Update of the title for GPlotPanel] widget: in previous versions, after loading the firs plot from a file, the title was "calculated" thanks to abscissa and ordinate which was required. On the contrary, after a "Clear" and even if a new file is loaded, the title wa no more updated. It is no more the case : after activating the "Clear" button or if a new file ,is loaded, the title is set to a void character string.