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It exists two kind of methods, corresponding to different needs :

  • setShortcut(), useful to replace a mouse click
  • setAccelerator(), used to directly go to a functionnality

Let us explain it with the following example where we will have a File Menu with sub items to Load or Save a file.

Using setShortcut() will allow to replace the mouse clicks as is:

  • ALT+F to access to the File Menu
  • ALT+L to access to the Load item
  • ALT+S to access to the Save item

So, to load a file, you will have to type ALT+F then ALT+L (as you would have been to click two times using the mouse).

Using setAccelerator() will allow to access directly to a functionnality (it is actually a shortcut):

  • CTRL+L to access directly to the Load item
  • CTRL+S to access directly to the Save item

Here is how to proceed ...

// FileMenu initialization
fileMenu = new GMenu("File");
fileMenu.getJMenu().setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F); // ALT+F to access to this menu

// Moad Item initialization
itemLoad = new GMenuItem("Load ...");
// ALT+L to access to it when File menu is active
// CTRL+L to access directly to it
itemLoad.setAccelerator(KeyEvent.VK_L, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK);

itemSave = new GMenuItem("Save ...");
// ALT+S to access to it when File menu is active
// CTRL+S to access directly to it
itemSave.setAccelerator(KeyEvent.VK_S, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK);


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