Main differences between V1.10.1 and V1.11.4

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Some interesting evolutions and corrections have been implemented in this version. No incompatibilities have been identified versus V1.10.x source code (except the fact that Java 1.8 is now necessary).

Java 1.8

Now, Java 1.8 is needed for generation.

GPlotPanel equations

A very interesting evolution with the possibility to create new variables using initial ones from a MADONA column file via a specific equations (see here). To do it, GENIUS used a new dependency with exp4j V0.4.8.

Nevertheless, this functionality is not yet available for SQLite files.

GPlotPanel pop-up windows for event comments

Now, when events are displayed, there is the possibility to see the comments associated to these events by passing the mouse over.

GStandardApplication customisation

Some access methods are now available to easily add/remove/shift main menu bar items (for example, removing in the "Options" menu, the "debug" choice and replace it by and "expert" choice).

GStandardApplication message window size

The user may increase or decrease the message window size interactively (with the mouse).

Best mouse efficiency for scrolling

The mouse scrolling has been improved.

New GTime widget

A new GTime widget is now available.

Best precision management when reading MADONA XML files

Some values read in a MADONA XML file, once they are converted in International System (IS) units may occur a problem of precision. In case of a conversion from degrees to radians, it is quite normal but it is more astonishing for a conversion from km to m as we have just to add a 1000 factor: for example, 0.03827 km will give 38.269999999999996 m. Therefore, GENIUS uses now locally BigDecimal numbers to improve as much as possible these conversions.

Anomaly corrections

  • In the previous versions, there was a possible bug when reading MADONA columns files if the first column number was not "0".