Main differences between V1.8 and V1.9

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Some interesting evolutions and corrections have been implemented in this version. No incompatibilities has been identified versus V1.8 source code .

New GList and GListSelect widgets

GList and GListWithLabel widget has been added allowing to display a list of strings (a bit like GComboBox) but allowing selecting several elements.

Moreover, a higher level GListSelect widget is also available allowing selecting elements of a list to copy/move them in another one.

Finding and reading multiple data

GENIUS already owns static methods from class GFileManipulation allowing reading or writing data. Nevertheless, these methods only work at a single level of the data structures and do not include multiple search.

Now, it is possible to search inside a XML file (or a GENIUS data structure) one or several data "sub-structures" using mainly the GMultipleStructureChoice class as explained here.

A typical application of such a functionality is to get some data from a "A" application to get it in a "B" application.

New GTree widget

as it is used by the GMultipleStructureChoice class, a new GTree widget is now available.

GplotPanel improvements

Symbol choice in GPlotPanel widget

It is now possible to select which symbol will be used for a plot (line for a continuous draw or symbols as circle, square ... for dotted lines).

Calendar date format in GPlotPanel widget

Dates are no more displayed in Julian days but in a calendar format.

Possibility to plot several files in GPlotPanel widget

Since this version, GPlotPanel allows taking into account several files for plots.

  • the by default mode is still considering only one file.
  • if we need several files, the first one is considered as the "reference" one.
  • other files will be taken into account only if they include variables existing in the "reference" file (as read in the file header).
  • user could decide to plot directly the values contained in the files or to plot relative values thanks to the "reference" file.

Availability of a tool based on GPlotPanel widget

The GPlotPanel widget is quite complex and powerful, allowing manipulations after reading text or SQLite files. Nevertheless, the only way to use it up to now was to develop a Java code or to call a higher level tool that uses it (as PSIMU).

That is why, a compiled tool with its own GUI is available with this version.

New units

In previous versions, the unit symbol for a day was "j" (jour in French ...). Now, it is also available as "d". Moreover, two other units are available with "mo" for month (or mois in French ...) and "y" for a year (or "a" for année in French). Conversions are the following ones:

  • 1 year = 365.25 days
  • 12 months = 1 year
  • 1 day = 86400 s

Indication when loading a configuration

Some configurations may be very long to be loaded because of the amount of data. In such a case, an indicator (a turning wheel) will show that the application is still running.

Better file suffix management for the GSaveResults widget

In previous versions, it was not possible to manage different suffixes for any kind of results files. Now, it is the case, using an additional API for the addSingleResultFile() method.

Minor improvements for GComponentList widget

  • adding the add(final int rank, final GComponent item) method to add a component to the list.
  • adding the remove(final int rank) method to remove an element in the list.
  • adding the setCurrentItemRank(final int rank) method to select the current element.

Anomaly corrections

  • Correction of the management of additional panels for the GPlotPanel widget.