GFrame and GPanel

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GENIUS proposes most of the same principles as those used by swing with classes as:


About GFrame, nothing particular, except the display() method which allows the display more easily.

GFrame frame = new GFrame("Test", pan); // see below for the pan object ...


GPanel object is a bit more « complex » because, when created, it is necessary to implement both following methods:

  • display()
  • generic()

display() method will indicate which graphical objects will be concerned for displaying. By these means, it is up to GENIUS to automatically manage refresh (no need to call to a « refresh » method); To decide what will be displayed, we only need to call in this method, the put() method with the object as argument :


generic() method allows to indicate which graphical objects will be concerned for displaying … but also for reading or writing into files (we will see it later …). Another solution is then to store calls to the put() method into generic() and, inside display() method, only calling the generic() method.

Examples below show both solutions for displaying a [[javadoc>fr/cnes/genius/current/fr/cnes/genius/lowLevel/GButton.html|GButton]] object.

// Example using display method
public class MyPanel extends GPanel {

  private GButton but;
  public MyPanel () {
    but = new GButton("Button");
  public void display() throws GException {

  public void generic() { }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    MyPanel pan = new MyPanel();
    GFrame frame = new GFrame("Test", pan);	

// Example using generic method
public class MyPanel extends GPanel {

  private GButton but;
  public MyPanel () {
    but = new GButton("Button");

  public void display() {

  public void generic() throws GException {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    MyPanel pan = new MyPanel();
    GFrame frame = new GFrame("Test", pan);	


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