Update data

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Sometimes, it is needed to update the content of a widget depending on the modification done on another one. If both of them are included in a higher level widget, it can be done relatively easily. But in case of these widgets are displayed in different panels (for example inside a GTabbedPane), it may be difficult to manage it.

A first solution could be to use static objects but it is strongly not recommanded.

Another solution is avalaible since the 1.5 version. We will describe hereafter.

Imagine that :

  1. we have two widgets, WidData1 and WidData2, including some specific data information
  2. we have a widget, WidScenario that defines a scenario thanks to some data included in previous widgets.

GObservable interface

First, WidData1 and WidData2 will have to implement the GObservable interface because these widgets will be the ones that will be first updated and thus have to be observed (they are "observable" !) to know if something has to be done.

Due to the GObservable interface, the abstract registerObserver, unregisterObserver and notifyObservers methods will have to be implemented inside the WidData1 and WidData2 class:

    GObserverList obsList;

    public void registerObserver(GObserver observer) {

    public void unregisterObserver(GObserver observer) {

    public void notifyObservers(Object... args) {
        obsList.notifyObservers(this, args);

obsList is a GObserverList object only used to store a list of "observers" widgets and proposing:

  • a registerObserver method to store objects that will observe our widget
  • an unregisterObserver method
  • a notifyObservers method doing a loop on all "observers" components in order to call for their notify method.

Note that we have to use this kind of object because in Java (below 1.8 version), a method in an interface must be abstract. So, we use it to avoid not to repeat same code.

Moreover, we have to call for the notifyObservers method of this object as needed. In the example just below, we will place it in the after and read methods:

    public void after(GEvent arg0) throws GException {
        // We may refine the test case by searching the specific subwidgets
        // which have been changed by using:
        // arg0.getLocalSource() or arg0.getFinalSource()

    public void read(GEvent arg0) throws GException {


GObserver interface

Secondly, WidScenario will have to implement the GObserver interface as it will observe information coming from other widget(s) and, due to this information, an update will occur (or not).

Thanks to the GObserver interface, WidScenario should implement an notify method as is:

    public void notify(Object observable, Object... args) {

        // "args" objects list will not be used in this example
        if ( observable instanceof WidData1 ) {
            // Update of the scenario thanks to WidData1 widget modification
        } else if ( observable instanceof WidData2 ) {
            // Update of the scenario thanks to WidData1 widget modification

We see that the way to manage which object sent information is done by using instanceof syntax.

Links between updated and updatable objects

At last, in the main code we will have just to write something like this:

    // Updated objects
    widData1 = new WidData1(...);
    widData2 = new WidData2(...);
    // Updatable object
    widScenario = new WidScenario(...);
    // widScenario will be potentially updated if widData1 is changed
    // widScenario will be potentially updated if widData2 is changed    

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