Links with Swing

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GENIUS classes use swing classes but are not directly inherited from them: strictly speaking, it is not recommended to directly use swing classes. For example, it will be recommanded to use GPanel rather than JPanel because, in that case, the « display » mechanism will not be effective.

Moreover, for certain methods, an over layer is proposed by GENIUS. For example, setEnabled(true/false) method is applicable for a GButton object.

But, in order not to be blocked, one can have direct calls to swing methods:

  • By a call to the swing object included in the **GENIUS** one as for example, with the getJButton() method which refer to the swing JButton object using by GButton;
GButton but = new GButton("button");
  • By a call to swing widgets which do not need GENIUS mechanism as JOptionPane or JFileChooser.

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