Main differences between V1.4.1 and V1.5
Some minor changes and corrections have been implemented in this version. Moreover, only one incompatibility exists on the code source but is very easy to correct.
Better management of the "*" sign when read/write and copy/paste actions
There are both aspects covered by this change :
- first, the apparition (or not) of the "*" character after a copy/paste action is more intuitive
- then it is possible now to customize the way these "*" characters will appear after reading or writing a configuration file (see specific GReadWrite interface and data files management and Modified data topic).
=> incompatibility in the code (due to the add of a boolean flag for GFileManipulation.readConfig(), GFileManipulation.writeConfig(), GContextFileManagement.selectLoadFile() and GContextFileManagement.selectSaveFile() methods).
Data status for GtabbedPane
Now, the data status management is automatically taken into account by the GTabbedPane widget. Moreover, each tab can be configured individually to display the status of the contained panel or not.
Exit Event test on GFrame
We can customize the behaviour of a GFrame after clicling on the "x" case. For example, it is then possible to manage this behaviour by displaying a GDialog window asking if we actually want to quit or not (using the fact that this "click" event is now managed as a **GENIUS** event).
GPlotDataReader interface creation and possibility to read dates with GPlotPanel
It is now possible to interprete dates with GPlotPanel (see specific GPlotPanel topic). Moreover, it is possible to create our own way to read files via the GPlotDataReader interface.
Global variables management
This version proposes an easy solution to manage the update of the content of a widget depending on the modification done on another one when both widgets are not included in the same higher level widget. It is explained in the following Update data topic
Some improvements for GBufferedTextArea
The behaviour of a GBufferedTextArea is more intuitive (for example, the number of the first page is no more 0 but 1 !).
No log file creation by default
By default, in the previous versions, a Genius.log file was automatically created. Now it is no more created and if we want to do it, we have to use the GEnvironment.setLogFileName() method.
Modification of the stdout management with G[Java]CommandLauncher
Due to the introduction of the GTextAreaInterface (see V1.4.1) as argument of a GJavaCommandLauncher object, a side effect occured for stdout management. So, if we want to duplicate output in a console (or to get this output in a console when no GTextAreaInterface has been passed [null argument]), we need to use setCopyOutputToStdout() method.
Anomaly corrections
* GComboBox and GComboBoxWithLabel before management. * GEntryInt and GEntryDate tooltip management. * Amount of digits in the tooltip not consistent with the one chosen for the input area.