Main differences between V1.7 and V1.8
Some interesting evolutions and corrections have been implemented in this version. No incompatibilities has been identified versus V1.7 source code .
Clear constraints
It is now possible to reset constraints of a widget using the clearConstraint(), clearInnerDescendantConstraint() and clearAllInnerDescendantConstraint() methods.
Complex status management
Thanks to the setForcedStatus() method, it is now possible to manage more complex status as above several entries as explained in this [topic].
Absolute path for condensed status
When managing error/warning status, it is now possible to get directly the absolute path of a data using the getPathInConfigFile() method (see [topic]).
GPanel interval margins
For GPanel only, we may manage internal margins using the setMargins() method.
GDetachedPlotPanel list
It is now possible to get the list of detached panels (useful for needing updates or refresh of such panels).
Specific icon
Using the static GEnvironment.setIcon() method, it is now possible to use a specific icon for your application rather than the by default Java one. Nevertheless, Under Windows OS, it is not yet possible to change the icon of an executable jar file (except creating a shortcut).
Ground track widget
A new widget is availabel allowing to plot ground tracks above a planisphere image. For more détails, see thistopic.
Anomaly corrections
- An anomaly occured in GPlotPanel] when trying to plot data function of absolute dates for specific dates involving some gaps.