« ResultsFileManagement » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 107 : Ligne 107 :

Then the lines below, will show how to create, fill then close the file:
Then the lines below, will show how to create, fill then close the file.
First, we will open the file ...
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
Ligne 119 : Ligne 121 :
final ResultWriter  resultWriter = new ResultWriter(sqliteFile);
final ResultWriter  resultWriter = new ResultWriter(sqliteFile);
Then, we will define two tables giving their name and description ...
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
// Table configuration
// Table configuration
resultWriter.addTable (NAME_EPHEM_TABLE);
resultWriter.addTable (NAME_EPHEM_TABLE);
Ligne 132 : Ligne 138 :
     resultWriter.addColumn(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[i], description[i], ColumnType.REAL, unitNames[i], gapThresholds[i], true);
     resultWriter.addColumn(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[i], description[i], ColumnType.REAL, unitNames[i], gapThresholds[i], true);
At last, we will add the data inside the table then close the file.
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
// Adding values for each line
// Adding values for each line
// Note: each table is independant and one may fill them asynchroneously.
// Note: each table is independant and one may fill them asynchroneously.

Version du 26 octobre 2017 à 12:56

GENIUS proposes different management for data files. We may identify two different type of file:

Madona files

This format is more or mless derived from the old one used with previous Fortran tools. Thus, its format is a bit different but the principles remains the same. Here is an example of such file with its header then the data ranked by colums:

  0 : DATE ~cal (Date)
  1 : TIME ~s (Time)
  2 : X ~m (Integration Frame X Coordinates)
  3 : Y ~m (Integration Frame Y Coordinates)
  4 : Z ~m (Integration Frame Z Coordinates)
  5 : VX ~m/s (Integration Frame X Velocity Coordinates)
  6 : VY ~m/s (Integration Frame Y Velocity Coordinates)
  7 : VZ ~m/s (Integration Frame Z Velocity Coordinates)
  8 : PSI ~deg (Integration Frame Pitch Angle)
  9 : TETA ~deg (Integration Frame Yaw Angle)
  10 : PHI ~deg (Integration Frame Roll Angle)

2010-01-01T00:00:00.000 0.000000000000000e+00  6.678133638255782e+06  3.787739409565575e-01 -6.700773491792874e+03 -6.052524398242765e+00  4.780628779989441e+03 -6.031804544978191e+03  9.000000000000000e+01  5.160000022816957e+01  2.699999999999999e+02 
2010-01-01T00:00:10.000 1.000000000000000e+01  6.677625571129634e+06  4.780559859589861e+04 -6.701701843926338e+04 -9.555978350214156e+01  4.780308392028196e+03 -6.031309305094114e+03  9.106301358852552e+01  5.159519405116432e+01  2.708330583318874e+02

Note that to be interpreted, dates must have the "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss" format (and the "unit" must be ~cal).

Of course, GENIUS includes classes and methods to read or write such file. Here is an example for reading it:

// Opening it and load data
final GPlotDataMadonaReader fileData = new GPlotDataMadonaReader();
fileData.load(new File("EPHEM.txt"));
// Recovery of the colums information
final int nbColumnsMadona = fileData.getNumberColums(null);
// Loop on the columns
for (int i = 0; i < nbColumnsMadona; i++) {
    final GPlotColumnInfo colInfo = fileData.getColumnInfo(null, i);
    System.out.print("Index: " + colInfo.getIndex());
    System.out.print(" / Name: " + colInfo.getName());
    System.out.print(" / Unit: " + colInfo.getUnitName());
    System.out.println(" / Description: " + colInfo.getDesc());
// We recover only colums 2, 12, 13 & 14
final List<Double[]> dataEphem = fileData.getColumns(null, new Integer[] { 1, 12, 13, 14 });

final int nbLines = dataEphem.get(0).length;
System.out.println("Amount of lines of data: " + nbLines);
System.out.println(String.format("%s %10e %10e %10e %10e", "First line: ",
System.out.println(String.format("%s %10e %10e %10e %10e", "Last line: ",

SqLite files

Since V1.7, GENIUS proposes also to create data file with the SQLite format.

First, the following lines of code correspond to the initialization of data to be stored int the SQLite file. In fact, we will store two tables:

  • an "ephemeris" table
  • an "event" table

Each table will contain three colums of data (time, altitude and longitude). "ephemeris" table will have 5 points as "event" table will only get two (the first and the last point of the "ephemeris" table).

// Data initialization
final String NAME_EPHEM_TABLE = "ephemTable";
final String NAME_EVENT_TABLE = "eventTable";

final int nbColumnsSql = 3;
final String[] dataNames = { "TIME", "LATG", "LONG" };
final Double[]  gapThresholds = { 1.e+99, Math.PI, Math.PI };
final String[]  unitNames = { "s", "deg", "deg" };
final String[]  description = { "Time", "Latitude", "Longitude" };
final int nbPtsEphem = 5;
final double[] timeTable = { 0., 10., 20., 30., 40. };
final double[] latgTable = { -0.5*Math.PI, -0.25*Math.PI, 0.,  0.25*Math.PI, 0.5*Math.PI };
final double[] longTable = { -Math.PI, -0.5*Math.PI, 0.,  0.5*Math.PI, Math.PI};
final int nbPtsEvent = 2;
 final double[] timeTableEvent = { 0., 40. };
final double[] latgTableEvent = { -0.5*Math.PI, 0.5*Math.PI };
final double[] longTableEvent = { -Math.PI, Math.PI};

Then the lines below, will show how to create, fill then close the file.

First, we will open the file ...

// File creation and reset if it already exists
final File sqliteFile = new File("EPHEM.db");
if ( sqliteFile.exists() && !sqliteFile.delete() ) {
   System.out.println("Sqlite output file failed to delete: %s");

final ResultWriter  resultWriter = new ResultWriter(sqliteFile);

Then, we will define two tables giving their name and description ...

// Table configuration
resultWriter.addTable (NAME_EPHEM_TABLE);
resultWriter.addTable (NAME_EVENT_TABLE);         
// Columns configuration
/// Note: 
// gapThreshold is the value given for plot discontinuities
// userVisible may be used to add columns but not visible via the GUI (for example for plotting).
for (int i = 0; i < nbColumnsSql; i++) {
    resultWriter.addColumn(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[i], description[i], ColumnType.REAL, unitNames[i], gapThresholds[i], true);
    resultWriter.addColumn(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[i], description[i], ColumnType.REAL, unitNames[i], gapThresholds[i], true);

At last, we will add the data inside the table then close the file.

// Adding values for each line
// Note: each table is independant and one may fill them asynchroneously.
for (int i = 0; i < nbPtsEphem; i++) {
    // Note: it is mandatory to add a value for each column. If it is not the case, it will raise an error.
    // On the other hand, if we add two times a value for the same line/column, the last value will be taken into account.
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[0], timeTable[i]);                          
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[1], latgTable[i]);                          
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[2], longTable[i]);                          
    // Line is stored in the database
// Same for events
for (int i = 0; i < nbPtsEvent; i++) {
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[0], timeTableEvent[i]);                          
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[1], latgTableEvent[i]);                          
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[2], longTableEvent[i]);                          
// Closing the data base