« ResultsFileManagement » : différence entre les versions

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Since V1.7, <font color=#556B2F>'''GENIUS'''</font> proposes talso to create data file with the [https://www.sqlite.org/ SQLite] format.
Since V1.7, <font color=#556B2F>'''GENIUS'''</font> proposes talso to create data file with the [https://www.sqlite.org/ SQLite] format.
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
// Data initialization
final String NAME_EPHEM_TABLE = "ephemTable";
final String NAME_EVENT_TABLE = "eventTable";
final int nbColumnsSql = 3;
final String[] dataNames = { "TIME", "LATG", "LONG" };
final Double[]  gapThresholds = { 1.e+99, Math.PI, Math.PI };
final String[]  unitNames = { "s", "deg", "deg" };
final String[]  description = { "Time", "Latitude", "Longitude" };
final int nbPtsEphem = 5;
final double[] timeTable = { 0., 10., 20., 30., 40. };
final double[] latgTable = { -0.5*Math.PI, -0.25*Math.PI, 0.,  0.25*Math.PI, 0.5*Math.PI };
final double[] longTable = { -Math.PI, -0.5*Math.PI, 0.,  0.5*Math.PI, Math.PI};
final int nbPtsEvent = 2;
final double[] timeTableEvent = { 0., 40. };
final double[] latgTableEvent = { -0.5*Math.PI, 0.5*Math.PI };
final double[] longTableEvent = { -Math.PI, Math.PI};
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// File creation and reset if it already exists
final File sqliteFile = new File("EPHEM.db");
if ( sqliteFile.exists() && !sqliteFile.delete() ) {
  System.out.println("Sqlite output file failed to delete: %s");
final ResultWriter  resultWriter = new ResultWriter(sqliteFile);
// Table configuration
resultWriter.addTable (NAME_EPHEM_TABLE);
resultWriter.addTable (NAME_EVENT_TABLE);       
// Columns configuration
/// Note:
// gapThreshold is the value given for plot discontinuities
// userVisible may be used to add columns but not visible via the GUI (for example for plotting).
for (int i = 0; i < nbColumnsSql; i++) {
    resultWriter.addColumn(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[i], description[i], ColumnType.REAL, unitNames[i], gapThresholds[i], true);
    resultWriter.addColumn(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[i], description[i], ColumnType.REAL, unitNames[i], gapThresholds[i], true);
// Adding values for each line
// Note: each table is independant and one may fill them asynchroneously.
for (int i = 0; i < nbPtsEphem; i++) {
    // Note: it is mandatory to add a value for each column. If it is not the case, it will raise an error.
    // On the other hand, if we add two times a value for the same line/column, the last value will be taken into account.
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[0], timeTable[i]);                         
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[1], latgTable[i]);                         
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[2], longTable[i]);                         
    // Line is stored in the database
// Same for events
for (int i = 0; i < nbPtsEvent; i++) {
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[0], timeTableEvent[i]);                         
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[1], latgTableEvent[i]);                         
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[2], longTableEvent[i]);                         
// Closing the data base

Version du 26 octobre 2017 à 12:48

GENIUS proposes different management for data files. We may identify two different type of file:

Madona files

This format is more or mless derived from the old one used with previous Fortran tools. Thus, its format is a bit different but the principles remains the same. Here is an example of such file with its header then the data ranked by colums:

  0 : DATE ~cal (Date)
  1 : TIME ~s (Time)
  2 : X ~m (Integration Frame X Coordinates)
  3 : Y ~m (Integration Frame Y Coordinates)
  4 : Z ~m (Integration Frame Z Coordinates)
  5 : VX ~m/s (Integration Frame X Velocity Coordinates)
  6 : VY ~m/s (Integration Frame Y Velocity Coordinates)
  7 : VZ ~m/s (Integration Frame Z Velocity Coordinates)
  8 : PSI ~deg (Integration Frame Pitch Angle)
  9 : TETA ~deg (Integration Frame Yaw Angle)
  10 : PHI ~deg (Integration Frame Roll Angle)

2010-01-01T00:00:00.000 0.000000000000000e+00  6.678133638255782e+06  3.787739409565575e-01 -6.700773491792874e+03 -6.052524398242765e+00  4.780628779989441e+03 -6.031804544978191e+03  9.000000000000000e+01  5.160000022816957e+01  2.699999999999999e+02 
2010-01-01T00:00:10.000 1.000000000000000e+01  6.677625571129634e+06  4.780559859589861e+04 -6.701701843926338e+04 -9.555978350214156e+01  4.780308392028196e+03 -6.031309305094114e+03  9.106301358852552e+01  5.159519405116432e+01  2.708330583318874e+02

Note that to be interpreted, dates must have the "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss" format (and the "unit" must be ~cal).

Of course, GENIUS includes classes and methods to read or write such file. Here is an example for reading it:

// Opening it and load data
final GPlotDataMadonaReader fileData = new GPlotDataMadonaReader();
fileData.load(new File("EPHEM.txt"));
// Recovery of the colums information
final int nbColumnsMadona = fileData.getNumberColums(null);
// Loop on the columns
for (int i = 0; i < nbColumnsMadona; i++) {
    final GPlotColumnInfo colInfo = fileData.getColumnInfo(null, i);
    System.out.print("Index: " + colInfo.getIndex());
    System.out.print(" / Name: " + colInfo.getName());
    System.out.print(" / Unit: " + colInfo.getUnitName());
    System.out.println(" / Description: " + colInfo.getDesc());
// We recover only colums 2, 12, 13 & 14
final List<Double[]> dataEphem = fileData.getColumns(null, new Integer[] { 1, 12, 13, 14 });

final int nbLines = dataEphem.get(0).length;
System.out.println("Amount of lines of data: " + nbLines);
System.out.println(String.format("%s %10e %10e %10e %10e", "First line: ",
System.out.println(String.format("%s %10e %10e %10e %10e", "Last line: ",

SqLite files

Since V1.7, GENIUS proposes talso to create data file with the SQLite format.

// Data initialization
final String NAME_EPHEM_TABLE = "ephemTable";
final String NAME_EVENT_TABLE = "eventTable";

final int nbColumnsSql = 3;
final String[] dataNames = { "TIME", "LATG", "LONG" };
final Double[]  gapThresholds = { 1.e+99, Math.PI, Math.PI };
final String[]  unitNames = { "s", "deg", "deg" };
final String[]  description = { "Time", "Latitude", "Longitude" };
final int nbPtsEphem = 5;
final double[] timeTable = { 0., 10., 20., 30., 40. };
final double[] latgTable = { -0.5*Math.PI, -0.25*Math.PI, 0.,  0.25*Math.PI, 0.5*Math.PI };
final double[] longTable = { -Math.PI, -0.5*Math.PI, 0.,  0.5*Math.PI, Math.PI};
final int nbPtsEvent = 2;
 final double[] timeTableEvent = { 0., 40. };
final double[] latgTableEvent = { -0.5*Math.PI, 0.5*Math.PI };
final double[] longTableEvent = { -Math.PI, Math.PI};
// File creation and reset if it already exists
final File sqliteFile = new File("EPHEM.db");
if ( sqliteFile.exists() && !sqliteFile.delete() ) {
   System.out.println("Sqlite output file failed to delete: %s");

final ResultWriter  resultWriter = new ResultWriter(sqliteFile);
// Table configuration
resultWriter.addTable (NAME_EPHEM_TABLE);
resultWriter.addTable (NAME_EVENT_TABLE);         
// Columns configuration
/// Note: 
// gapThreshold is the value given for plot discontinuities
// userVisible may be used to add columns but not visible via the GUI (for example for plotting).
for (int i = 0; i < nbColumnsSql; i++) {
    resultWriter.addColumn(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[i], description[i], ColumnType.REAL, unitNames[i], gapThresholds[i], true);
    resultWriter.addColumn(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[i], description[i], ColumnType.REAL, unitNames[i], gapThresholds[i], true);
// Adding values for each line
// Note: each table is independant and one may fill them asynchroneously.
for (int i = 0; i < nbPtsEphem; i++) {
    // Note: it is mandatory to add a value for each column. If it is not the case, it will raise an error.
    // On the other hand, if we add two times a value for the same line/column, the last value will be taken into account.
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[0], timeTable[i]);                          
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[1], latgTable[i]);                          
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EPHEM_TABLE, dataNames[2], longTable[i]);                          
    // Line is stored in the database
// Same for events
for (int i = 0; i < nbPtsEvent; i++) {
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[0], timeTableEvent[i]);                          
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[1], latgTableEvent[i]);                          
    resultWriter.addValue(NAME_EVENT_TABLE, dataNames[2], longTableEvent[i]);                          
// Closing the data base