Package | Description |
fr.cnes.genius.calculator | |
fr.cnes.genius.chart | |
fr.cnes.genius.highLevel |
Package containing classes for the highLevel GENIUS widgets.
fr.cnes.genius.logger |
Package containing the logger and log event table.
fr.cnes.genius.lowLevel |
Package containing the low level widgets.
fr.cnes.genius.main |
Package containing the core elements of the GENIUS library.
fr.cnes.genius.plots |
$Id: 1980 2016-10-31 13:08:11Z ffsm $
VERSION:1.3:DM:DM-62:15/10/2015: Added plots package.
fr.cnes.genius.savefiles |
Package including widgets for saving files process.
fr.cnes.genius.sqlite |
$Id: 2191 2017-10-02 14:13:51Z jjct $
VERSION:1.7:DM:DM-207:22/09/2017: Initial version of the sqlite storage system.
fr.cnes.genius.standardapplication |
Package including widgets for a standard GUI application.
fr.cnes.genius.table |
Package containing the GTables classes.
fr.cnes.genius.threads |
Classes used to launch subprocesses.
| |
GPLOT package.
fr.cnes.genius.utils |
Package containing utility classes.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Class to define the calculator panel.
class |
Class to define the calculator command panel.
class |
Class to define the file information window.
class |
Class to define the panel for just a formula.
class |
Class to define the calculator message window.
class |
Class to define the calculator panel.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
X-Y plot with background image.
class |
Class that encapsulates the JFreeChart plotting library.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Implements a GCheckBox with a GLabelWithIndicator.
class |
Widget implementing a group of GChoice controls.
class |
This class represents a button allowing to choose a color.
class |
Implements a
GComboBox with a GComboBoxWithLabel and adds the GReadWrite interface
to save/load the selected value from the configuration file. |
class |
Class GComponentList allows handling a list of widgets extending from GComponent.
class |
Specialized text area that can redirect the stdout and stderr from the current process.
class |
Class implementing a GButton and a GDialog allowing the selection of constants from a list
provided by the user.
class |
Class implementing a GEntryReal plus a GConstantSelector.
class |
Class representing a text entry with a label.
class |
Vector of GIntField widgets.
class |
Class to define a widget for searching file names giving its relative or absolute names.
class |
Entry class for integer numbers.
class |
Vector of GIntField widgets.
class |
Abstract vector class encapsulating the common methods to GEntryIntVector and GEntryRealVector.
class |
Entry widget accepting real numbers in scientific and normal notation, and unit management.
class |
This class is in charge of vector handling by means of fields to input real numbers.
class |
This class defines an input field for a one-line text with a label.
class |
Abstract class defining the common code and methods for the different GEntryVector classes.
class |
Class composed of a label, a "isModified" indicator and the icons to represent the status of
another widget (OK, WARN, ERROR).
class |
GListSelect class.
class |
Implements a
GList with a GLabelWithIndicator and adds the
GReadWrite interface to save/load the selected value from the
configuration file. |
class |
Class defining the menus to be used into the menu bars.
class |
Class defining the menu bar that can be associated to GFrame objects.
class |
Class defining the elements of menu to be used for creation of the menu bar.
class |
Widget implementing a group of
GCheckBox controls. |
class |
This class represents a GTree of objects to choose a compatible GComponent to load from a xml structure
class |
It is a
GComboBoxWithLabel linked to a list of objects of a generic type T. |
class |
Class implementing a GButton and a GDialog allowing the selection of objects from a list provided
by the user.
class |
The class defines a specific button, called openCloseButton, having two states : open or closed.
class |
The class implements a
GPopupMenu associated with a GHyperlinkLabel . |
class |
The class implements a label
GLabelWithIndicator , and a GPopupList . |
class |
Abstract class encapsulating the common methods for GSliderWithLabel and GSliderRealWithLabel.
class |
This class defines a real slider having a validity interval.
class |
This class defines an integer slider having a validity interval.
class |
The class implements a table for functions of a single variable x, the same variable for all
represented functions.
class |
Class defining a textArea with a label.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GComponent |
GEntryVectorAbstract.getGComponent(int rank)
Get the component corresponding to the specified rank.
GComponent |
GEntryDate.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GMultipleChoice.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GLabelWithIndicator.getSubComponent(int position) |
GComponent |
GTextAreaWithLabel.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GSliderAbstractWithLabel.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GListWithLabel.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GEntryReal.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GPopupListWithLabel.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GTable1D.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GConstantSelector.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GComboBoxWithLabel.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GEntryConstant.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GObjectSelector.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GEntryFileName.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GComponentList.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GEntryRealVector.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GEntryVectorAbstract.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GEntryNumberAbstract.getSubComponent(int position) |
GComponent |
GChoice.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GEntryString.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GCheckBoxWithIndicator.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GComponentList.add(int rank,
GComponent item)
Add an item to the list
void |
GComponentList.setDefaultItem(GComponent defaultItem)
Sets the default item for the list.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GComponentList.setList(List<GComponent> list)
Method testing consistency between the widget list given as an argument and data type
Constructor and Description |
GComponentList(String name,
GComponent byDefault,
boolean singleMode)
Constructor with a default object (used to initialize a new widget element of the list using
"clone" method).
GComponentList(String widgetId,
String name,
GComponent byDefault,
boolean singleMode)
Constructor with a default object (used to initialize a new widget element of the list using
"clone" method).
GMultipleStructureChoice(String filename,
GComponent component)
Constructor .The widget identifier is created automatically
GMultipleStructureChoice(String filename,
GComponent component,
boolean useComponentName)
Constructor .The widget identifier is created automatically
GMultipleStructureChoice(String widgetId,
String filename,
GComponent component)
Constructor .The widget identifier is created automatically
GMultipleStructureChoice(String widgetId,
String filename,
GComponent component,
boolean useComponentName)
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Table to hold the events from the GLogger.
class |
This class represents the table to hold the events from the
GLogger . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GComponent |
GLogEventTablePanel.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Class defining a GTextArea with an offline buffer in order to improve the performance when
treating for example outputs from programs.
class |
This class represents a push button, that can be enabled or disabled at will.
class |
Class representing a checkbox widget.
class |
ComboBox widget used to select one input in a list of labels.
class |
Class used to define a container object grouping widgets.
class |
Date field class.
class |
Class representing a detached panel.
class |
Represents a dialog object.
class |
The class GFrame defines a high-level window including a title and a menu bar.
class |
The class GHyperlinkLabel defines a label blue and underlined.
class |
Widget used to display an image.
class |
Implements a field capable of formatting double values in normal and scientific formats.
class |
Label widget based in the JLabel SWING widget.
class |
Class to implement a GENIUS version of JList.
class |
Abstract class defining the interface that shall be followed by the GIntField and GRealField.
class |
Class corresponding to the SWING component JPanel, representing a panel where
the different widgets are displayed.
class |
Class used to handle the display of a pop-up menu.
class |
This class represents a progress bar basically to be used for representing the progress of the
GCommandLauncher processes.
class |
Class representing a radio button based on the JRadioButton widget.
class |
This class implements a field which allows entering and displaying only real numbers, double values in
normal and scientific formats.
class |
Represents a separator line widget based on the JSeparator.
class |
Integer slider class based on the JSlider widget.
class |
Abstract class encapsulating the common methods for GSlider and GSliderReal.
class |
Real slider class based on the JSlider widget in order to input real numbers.
class |
GSplitPane is used to divide two (and only two) GComponents.
class |
Class used to created dialogs with standard buttons.
class |
Class used to created standard dialogs for showing errors.
class |
Class used to created standard dialogs for showing an information message.
class |
Class used to created dialogs with standard buttons.
class |
Tabbed pane widget based on the JTabbedPane Swing widget.
class |
Text area class derives from the JTextArea.
class |
Class representing a text entry field.
class |
GTime |
class |
Toggle button widget based in the JToggleButton Swing widget.
class |
Class to implement a GENIUS version of JTree.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GComponent |
get the Gcomponent associated with the node
GComponent |
GSplitPane.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GTabbedPane.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GStandardDialog.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GTime.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GBufferedTextArea.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
GComponent |
GStandardPanelDialog.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GTree.addNode(GTree.GTreeNode parentNode,
GComponent component)
add a children with a given parent node
GTree.GTreeNode |
GTree.getGTreeNode(GTree.GTreeNode nodeParent,
GComponent component)
getter of node from a GComponent
void |
GContainer.put(GComponent component)
Depending on the value of the skeletonIndex the put will do 3 different actions:
Display: Display the components if they can be displayed.
void |
GPanel.put(GComponent component)
Depending on the current on-going operation (Display, Read or Write) the
component is displayed, or read/written to the configuration file.
void |
GPanel.unput(GComponent component)
Unput component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GTree.createNodes(List<GComponent> components)
create nodes of the JTree
Constructor and Description |
GPopupMenu(GComponent component)
GPopupMenu(String widgetId,
GComponent component)
GTreeNode(GComponent component)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GComponent |
Gets the component origin of the event.
GComponent |
Get the component that is the parent of this component.
GComponent |
Gets the source corresponding to the immediate child of the caller component..
GComponent |
GComponent.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<GComponent> |
Getter for the list of components in error status.
List<GComponent> |
Getter for the list of components in warning status.
List<GComponent> |
Getter for the list of components in warning status.
static List<GComponent> |
GFileManipulation.searchCompatibleComponents(GComponent component,
GComponent componentToSearch,
boolean useComponentName)
search compatible objects from a GComponent
static List<GComponent> |
GFileManipulation.searchCompatibleComponents(String filename,
GComponent componentToSearch,
boolean useComponentName)
search compatible objects from a configuration file
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GCondensedStatus.add(GComponent component)
Add a component to the condensed status object.
void |
GCondensedIsModified.add(GComponent component)
Add a component to the condensed status object.
void |
GEvent.add(GComponent source)
Adds a GComponent to the list of sources.
boolean |
GEvent.contains(GComponent... componentList)
Checks if any of the components in componentList is already in the source list.
static void |
GFileManipulation.copyComponent(GComponent component)
Copies the values of the component and all the child components to the configuration file.
void |
GComponent.doDisplay(GComponent component)
Perform the display of the internal component.
static void |
GFileManipulation.exportComponent(GComponent component)
Export the values of the component and all the child components to the configuration file.
static String |
GFileManipulation.getXmlItemType(GComponent component)
get the xml type in the configuration file
protected boolean |
GComponent.handleCopyPasteEvent(GComponent copyPasteMenuComponent,
GComponent componentToBeHandled,
GEvent event)
Handles the copy-paste event if possible.
protected boolean |
GComponent.handleCopyPasteEvent(GComponent copyPasteMenuComponent,
GEvent event)
Handles the copy-paste event if possible.
static void |
GFileManipulation.importComponent(GComponent component)
Imports the values of the component and all the child components from the configuration file.
boolean |
GEvent.isOrigin(GComponent... componentList)
boolean |
GEvent.isSource(GComponent... componentList)
static void |
GFileManipulation.loadComponent(String filename,
String componentName,
GComponent component)
Reads from the configuration file the configuration values for to the component identified in
the method.
static void |
GFileManipulation.loadFromDomDocument(org.jdom.Document domDocument,
String componentName,
GComponent component,
boolean saveValue,
boolean... rootVerification)
Load the component values from a Dom document.
static void |
GFileManipulation.pasteComponent(GComponent component)
Paste from the configuration file the configuration values for to the component identified in
the method.
protected static void |
GComponent.processGEvent(GEvent event,
GComponent source)
Process an event generated by a descendant component.
static void |
GFileManipulation.readConfig(String filename,
String componentName,
GComponent component,
boolean saveValue,
boolean... verifications)
Reads from the configuration file the configuration values for to the component identified in
the method.
static void |
GFileManipulation.readConfigComponent(GComponent component)
read the configuration file for only one GComponent
static void |
GFileManipulation.resetComponent(GComponent component)
Reset the component given in input.
static void |
GFileManipulation.saveComponent(String filename,
String componentName,
GComponent component)
Writes the values of the component and all the child components to the configuration file.
static org.jdom.Document |
GFileManipulation.saveToDomDocument(String componentName,
GComponent component,
boolean saveValue)
Create a DOM document containing the informations of the component.
static List<GComponent> |
GFileManipulation.searchCompatibleComponents(GComponent component,
GComponent componentToSearch,
boolean useComponentName)
search compatible objects from a GComponent
static List<GComponent> |
GFileManipulation.searchCompatibleComponents(String filename,
GComponent componentToSearch,
boolean useComponentName)
search compatible objects from a configuration file
void |
GComponent.setGParent(GComponent parent)
Sets the component that is the parent of this component.
static void |
GComponent.setWindowBusyCursor(boolean flag,
GComponent component) |
void |
GCondensedStatus.update(GComponent... componentList)
Update the condensed status object with a list of components.
void |
GCondensedIsModified.update(GComponent... componentList)
Update the condensed status object with a list of components.
static void |
GFileManipulation.writeConfig(String filename,
String componentName,
GComponent component,
boolean saveValue)
Writes the values of the component and all the child components to the configuration file.
static void |
GFileManipulation.writeConfigFromElement(GComponent component,
String filename,
org.jdom.Element element)
Writes the values of the Element to the configuration file.
Constructor and Description |
GCondensedIsModified(GComponent... componentList)
GCondensedStatus(GComponent... componentList)
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Class to define a plot issued from an "column MADONA" formatted file and displayed in a detached panel.
class |
Class to plot ground track.
class |
Class to define a plot issued from an "column MADONA" formatted file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GComponent |
GPlotPanel.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Class implementing a dialog to display the list of files to overwrite.
class |
Class to display a GDialog allowing to store results files and its associated context file.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Combo box widget for output variables panel definition from a sqlite database.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Class to create a GDialog frame including information about a tool.
class |
Abstract class using as a basis for upper level class regrouping all data/main widgets that will
be set in Tabbed panes.
class |
GMainFrameAbstract<T extends GDataPanelAbstract>
Abstract class using as a basis for upper level class defining the top level
of the GUI.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Class that defines a GTable widget.
class |
GTable with labels and units for the data, the rows and the columns.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GComponent |
GTable2D.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GCommandLauncher class defines a process that can be started or stopped by a button or a menu.
class |
Class representing a button linked to the GCommandLauncher.
class |
Class representing a menu item linked to the GCommandLauncher.
class |
Specific class derived from GCommandLauncher for launching Java programs, providing the launching item.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GComponent |
GCommandLauncher.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GDialog widget
class |
Main class defining the GPlot tool.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Frame to individually test the components.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GComponent |
GPanTest.getSubComponent(int position)
Gets the subcomponent occupying the position defined by position.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
GContextFileManagement.selectLoadFile(GComponent data,
boolean saveValue)
Method to load a context file.
String |
GContextFileManagement.selectSaveFile(GComponent data,
boolean saveValue)
Method to save a context file.
Constructor and Description |
GPanTest(String title,
GComponent testComponent)
GPanTest(String title,
GComponent testComponent,
String confFilename)
GPanTest(String title,
GMenuBar menuBar,
GComponent testComponent)
GPanTest(String title,
GMenuBar menuBar,
GComponent testComponent,
String confFilename)
GPanTest(String title,
GMenuBar menuBar,
GComponent testComponent,
String confFilename,
boolean showStatusButton,
boolean showIsModified)
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