public class GFreeChartXY extends GComponent implements GDisplay, org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseListener, org.jfree.chart.labels.CrosshairLabelGenerator
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Class represeint the a freechart axis with information about its type.
static class |
Enumerate indicating the types of axis available for the GFreeChartXY.
static class |
Class defining an Item of the plot.
static class |
Class to define the position of a point in a GFeeChartXYPlot in the corresponging axis.
static class |
Class to store the graphic plot properties to apply to the curves of a certain series.
static class |
A tool tip generator that stores custom tooltips.
GComponent.CopyPasteOperation, GComponent.DisplayIndicatorStatus, GComponent.ItemType, GComponent.Operation
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static double |
By default precision for interactive plots
Constructor and Description |
GFreeChartXY(String chartTitle,
GFreeChartXY.GAxisType xAxisType,
GFreeChartXY.GAxisType yAxisType,
GFreeChartXY.GAxisType ySecondaryAxisType,
String xAxisTitle,
String yAxisTitle,
String secondaryYTitle,
boolean addLegends)
Create an empty chart.
GFreeChartXY(String chartTitle,
GFreeChartXY.GAxisType xAxisType,
GFreeChartXY.GAxisType yAxisType,
String xAxisTitle,
String yAxisTitle,
String secondaryYTitle,
boolean addLegends)
Create an empty chart.
GFreeChartXY(String widgetId,
String chartTitle,
GFreeChartXY.GAxisType xAxisType,
GFreeChartXY.GAxisType yAxisType,
GFreeChartXY.GAxisType ySecondaryAxisType,
String xAxisTitle,
String yAxisTitle,
String secondaryYTitle,
boolean addLegends)
Create an empty chart.
GFreeChartXY(String widgetId,
String chartTitle,
GFreeChartXY.GAxisType xAxisType,
GFreeChartXY.GAxisType yAxisType,
String xAxisTitle,
String yAxisTitle,
String secondaryYTitle,
boolean addLegends)
Create an empty chart.
GFreeChartXY(String chartTitle,
String xAxisTitle,
String yAxisTitle,
String secondaryYTitle,
boolean addLegends)
Create an empty chart.
GFreeChartXY(String widgetId,
String chartTitle,
String xAxisTitle,
String yAxisTitle,
String secondaryYTitle,
boolean addLegends)
Create an empty chart.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addLegend(org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle legend)
Method to add a new legend
void |
addSerie(boolean useSecondaryYAxis,
GFreeChartXY.GSeriesProperties serieProperty, serieDataSet)
Add a given series as either lines or points to the primary axis.
void |
addSerie(String serieName,
double[] xValueArray,
double[] yValueArray,
List<String> tooltipList,
Color color,
Shape shape)
Add a given series as either lines or points to the primary axis.
void |
addSerie(String serieName,
double[] xValueArray,
double[] yValueArray,
List<String> tooltipArray,
Color color,
Shape shape,
boolean useSecondaryYAxis,
Double xGapThreshold,
Double yGapThreshold)
Add a given series to a given plot as either lines or points.
void |
chartMouseClicked(org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseEvent event)
When the mouse button is clicked the last plot coordinates are stored so they can be
by the user.
void |
chartMouseMoved(org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseEvent event) |
void |
Called when the element is to be displayed, so it can perform the actions required for its display, and
the display of its inmmediate descendants.
String |
generateLabel(org.jfree.chart.plot.Crosshair crosshair) |
org.jfree.chart.entity.ChartEntity |
Getter for the Chart Entity.
org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel |
Get the underlying chartPanel.
Component |
Returns the low level Swing Component encapsulated by the class if any, otherwise returns
GFreeChartXY.GFreeChartXYItem |
Method to get the coordinates of a drawn point.
GFreeChartXY.GFreeChartXYItem |
Method to get the coordinates of a drawn point.
GFreeChartXY.GPlotPosition |
Returns the position of the last mouse click in plot coordinates.
GFreeChartXY.GFreeChartXYItem |
getPlaneCoordinates(boolean isSecondaryAxis)
Method to get the coordinates of the click regardless where the click is.
org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot |
Returns the chart plot.
GFreeChartXY.GSeriesProperties |
getSerieProperties(String serieName)
Get the properties of a curve
String |
Return the chart subtitle.
String |
Get the title of the plot.
GFreeChartXY.GAxis |
Return X-axis.
| |
getXYDataSet(String serieName,
boolean secondaryYAxis)
Get the XYSeries dataSet for a curve
GFreeChartXY.GAxis |
Return Y-axis.
boolean |
Method to know if the interactive mode is activated
void |
Remove all the curves from the plot.
void |
Method to remove the legend
void |
removeSeries(String serieName,
boolean secondaryYAxis)
Remove a curve from the plot.
void |
setColorSeries(String serieName,
boolean secondaryYAxis,
Color color)
Set the color of a curve.
void |
setEventTooltipList(List<String> tooltipList)
Setter for the tooltipList
void |
setForcedDrawLine(boolean forced)
Method to set if lines will be always drawn.
void |
setInteractive(boolean isInteractive)
Method to set the plot interactive or not
void |
setInteractivePrecision(double eps)
Method to set the precision for interactive plots
void |
setPlotGapThreshold(boolean secondaryPlot,
int series,
Double xGapThreshold,
Double yGapThreshold)
Set the gap thresholds.
void |
setSecondaryYAxeTitle(String title)
Set the title of the secondary y axis.
void |
setSeriesShape(String serieName,
boolean secondaryYAxis,
Shape shape)
Set the shape of a curve.
void |
setSubTitle(String subTitle)
Set the chart subtitle.
void |
setTitle(String title)
Set the title of the plot.
void |
setXAxeTitle(String title)
Set the title of the primary x axis.
void |
setXFormat(Format format)
Set the X axis format.
void |
setXTickInterval(Double tickInterval)
Set the X tick interval in axis units.
void |
setXZoom(Double minValue,
Double maxValue)
Sets the minimum and maximum value of the displayed X axis, if any of the zoom values is null
the zoom is reset.
void |
setYAxeTitle(String title)
Set the title of the primary y axis.
void |
setYFormat(boolean secondaryAxis,
Format format)
Set the Y axis format.
void |
setYTickInterval(boolean secondaryAxis,
Double tickInterval)
Set the Y tick interval in axis units.
void |
setYZoom(boolean secondaryAxis,
Double minValue,
Double maxValue)
Sets the minimum and maximum values of the displayed Y axis, if any of the zoom values is
null the zoom is reset.
void |
showChrossHair(boolean showCrosshair)
Method to show/hide the crosshair.
void |
showLegend(boolean show)
Show or hide the plot legend.
void |
showYSecondaryAxis(boolean showYSecondaryAxis)
Set the visibility of the secondary axis.
activateConstraintsByType, attachCopyPasteMenu, attachCopyPasteMenu, beginOfElement, beginOfElement, beginOfElement, beginOfElement, clearAllInnerDescendantConstraint, clearConstraint, clearInnerDescendantContraint, composeWidgetId, doDisplay, endOfElement, getCommentInConfigFile, getConstraint, getCurrentOperation, getDisplayIndicatorStatus, getDisplayIsModifiedIndicator, getElement, getGClassName, getGPanel, getGParent, getGUnitInConfigFile, getInnerDescendantConstraint, getName, getNameInConfigFile, getOperationSaveValue, getPathInConfigFile, getSimpleWidgetId, getStatus, getStringConstraint, getSubComponent, getWidgetId, handleCopyPasteEvent, handleCopyPasteEvent, handleProcessEventException, isCopyPasteEvent, isEnabled, isForcedStatus, isModified, launchInvalidPositionException, mouseWheelMoved, parseSimpleConstraint, processGEvent, processMouseWheelEvent, setBusyCursor, setCommentInConfigFile, setConstraint, setCopyPasteMenuEnabled, setCurrentOperation, setDataForConstraintsByType, setDefaultConstraints, setDisplayIsModifiedIndicator, setElement, setEnabled, setForcedStatus, setGPanel, setGParent, setGUnitInConfigFile, setInnerDescendantConstraint, setName, setNameAndCommentInConfigFile, setNameInConfigFile, setPathInConfigFile, setStatus, setStringConstraint, setToolTipText, setWidgetId, setWidth, setWindowBusyCursor, updateIsModifiedIndicator, writeCollection, writeCollection, writeCollection, writeCollection, writeConfigItem, writeConfigItem, writeConfigItem, writeConfigItem, writeConfigItem
public static final double DEF_EPSILON
public GFreeChartXY(String chartTitle, String xAxisTitle, String yAxisTitle, String secondaryYTitle, boolean addLegends)
- plot window title (can be null).xAxisTitle
- x Axis titles (can contain nulls, must be same length as yTitle).yAxisTitle
- y Axis titles (can contain nulls).secondaryYTitle
- secondary y Axis titles (can be null).addLegends
- true if series legends are wanted.public GFreeChartXY(String widgetId, String chartTitle, String xAxisTitle, String yAxisTitle, String secondaryYTitle, boolean addLegends)
- widget identifier.chartTitle
- plot window title (can be null).xAxisTitle
- x Axis titles (can contain nulls, must be same length as yTitle).yAxisTitle
- y Axis titles (can contain nulls).secondaryYTitle
- secondary y Axis titles (can be null).addLegends
- true if series legends are wanted.public GFreeChartXY(String chartTitle, GFreeChartXY.GAxisType xAxisType, GFreeChartXY.GAxisType yAxisType, String xAxisTitle, String yAxisTitle, String secondaryYTitle, boolean addLegends)
- plot window title (can be null).xAxisType
- type of the X axis.yAxisType
- type of the Y axis.xAxisTitle
- x Axis titles (can contain nulls, must be same length as yTitle).yAxisTitle
- y Axis titles (can contain nulls).secondaryYTitle
- secondary y Axis titles (can be null).addLegends
- true if series legends are wanted.public GFreeChartXY(String widgetId, String chartTitle, GFreeChartXY.GAxisType xAxisType, GFreeChartXY.GAxisType yAxisType, String xAxisTitle, String yAxisTitle, String secondaryYTitle, boolean addLegends)
- widget identifier.chartTitle
- plot window title (can be null).xAxisType
- type of the X axis.yAxisType
- type of the Y axis.xAxisTitle
- x Axis titles (can contain nulls, must be same length as yTitle).yAxisTitle
- y Axis titles (can contain nulls).secondaryYTitle
- secondary y Axis titles (can be null).addLegends
- true if series legends are wanted.public GFreeChartXY(String chartTitle, GFreeChartXY.GAxisType xAxisType, GFreeChartXY.GAxisType yAxisType, GFreeChartXY.GAxisType ySecondaryAxisType, String xAxisTitle, String yAxisTitle, String secondaryYTitle, boolean addLegends)
- plot window title (can be null).xAxisType
- type of the X axis.yAxisType
- type of the Y axis.ySecondaryAxisType
- type of the secondary Y axis.xAxisTitle
- x Axis titles (can contain nulls, must be same length as yTitle).yAxisTitle
- y Axis titles (can contain nulls).secondaryYTitle
- secondary y Axis titles (can be null).addLegends
- true if series legends are wanted.public GFreeChartXY(String widgetId, String chartTitle, GFreeChartXY.GAxisType xAxisType, GFreeChartXY.GAxisType yAxisType, GFreeChartXY.GAxisType ySecondaryAxisType, String xAxisTitle, String yAxisTitle, String secondaryYTitle, boolean addLegends)
- widget identifier.chartTitle
- plot window title (can be null).xAxisType
- type of the X axis.yAxisType
- type of the Y axis.ySecondaryAxisType
- type of the secondary Y axis.xAxisTitle
- x Axis titles (can contain nulls, must be same length as yTitle).yAxisTitle
- y Axis titles (can contain nulls).secondaryYTitle
- secondary y Axis titles (can be null).addLegends
- true if series legends are wanted.public final void showChrossHair(boolean showCrosshair)
- true if the crosshair shall be visible, false otherwise.public void setTitle(String title)
- title of the plot to set.public String getTitle()
public void setSubTitle(String subTitle)
- the chart subtitle, in can be null.public String getSubTitle()
public void setXAxeTitle(String title)
- of the x axis. If the title is null the axis will be hidden.public void setYAxeTitle(String title)
- of the y axis. If the title is null the axis will be hidden.public final void setSecondaryYAxeTitle(String title)
- of the secondary axis.If the title is null the axis will be hidden.public void showYSecondaryAxis(boolean showYSecondaryAxis)
- if true the secondary Y axis shall be displayed if defined, false
otehrwise.public void setPlotGapThreshold(boolean secondaryPlot, int series, Double xGapThreshold, Double yGapThreshold)
- true if the gaps apply to the secondary plot, false otherwise.series
- serie identifier.xGapThreshold
- Value of the threshold between X coordinates to avoid displaying the
segment, if null it is not used.yGapThreshold
- Value of the threshold between Y coordinates to avoid displaying the
segment, if null it is not used.public void addSerie(String serieName, double[] xValueArray, double[] yValueArray, List<String> tooltipArray, Color color, Shape shape, boolean useSecondaryYAxis, Double xGapThreshold, Double yGapThreshold) throws GFreeChartException
- series namexValueArray
- series abscissasyValueArray
- series ordinates (same length as x)tooltipArray
- tooltips for the elements of the series.color
- series color.shape
- series shape.useSecondaryYAxis
- true it the data-set shall be assigned to the secondary Y axis,
otherwise it is assigned to the primary.xGapThreshold
- treshold for the x gap.yGapThreshold
- treshold for the y gap.GFreeChartException
- If the xValueArray and yValueArray do not have the same
dimensions.public void addSerie(String serieName, double[] xValueArray, double[] yValueArray, List<String> tooltipList, Color color, Shape shape) throws GFreeChartException
- series namexValueArray
- series abscissasyValueArray
- series ordinates (same length as x)tooltipList
- tooltips for the elements of the series.color
- series color.shape
- series shape.GFreeChartException
- If the xValueArray and yValueArray do not have the same
dimensions.public void addSerie(boolean useSecondaryYAxis, GFreeChartXY.GSeriesProperties serieProperty, serieDataSet)
- true it the data-set shall be assigned to the secondary Y axis,
otherwise it is assigned to the primary.serieProperty
- series propertiesserieDataSet
- series datasetpublic GFreeChartXY.GSeriesProperties getSerieProperties(String serieName)
- name of the curve.public getXYDataSet(String serieName, boolean secondaryYAxis)
- name of the curve.secondaryYAxis
- true if the curve is associated to the secondary axe, false otherwise.public void removeSeries(String serieName, boolean secondaryYAxis)
- name of the curve.secondaryYAxis
- true if the curve is associated to the secondary axe, false otherwise.public void removeAllSeries()
public void setColorSeries(String serieName, boolean secondaryYAxis, Color color)
- name of the curve.secondaryYAxis
- true if the curve is associated to the secondary axe, false otherwise.color
- new color of the curve.public void setSeriesShape(String serieName, boolean secondaryYAxis, Shape shape)
- name of the curvesecondaryYAxis
- true if the curve is associated to the secondary axe, false otherwise.shape
- new shape of the curvepublic void display()
public Component getComponent()
in class GComponent
public org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel getChartPanel()
public final void showLegend(boolean show)
- flag to show or hide the legend.public final org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot getPlot()
public void setXZoom(Double minValue, Double maxValue)
- minimum value for the X axis.maxValue
- maximum value for the X axis.public void setYZoom(boolean secondaryAxis, Double minValue, Double maxValue)
- true if the minimum and max values shall be applied to the secondary
- minimum value for the Y axis.maxValue
- maximum value for the Y axis.public void setXTickInterval(Double tickInterval)
- if null the tickInterval will be defined automatically by the plot, else
the value of units between 2 ticks.public void setYTickInterval(boolean secondaryAxis, Double tickInterval)
- true if the minimum and max values shall be applied to the secondary
- if null the tickInterval will be defined automatically by the plot, else
the value of units between 2 ticks.public void setXFormat(Format format)
- formatter for the X axis.public void setYFormat(boolean secondaryAxis, Format format)
- true if the minimum and max values shall be applied to the secondary
- formatter for the Y axis.public boolean isInteractive()
public void setInteractive(boolean isInteractive)
- plot will be interactive if truepublic void setInteractivePrecision(double eps)
- precision (relative to the axis length)public void setForcedDrawLine(boolean forced)
- lines will be always drawn if truepublic void removeLegend()
public void addLegend(org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle legend)
- new legendpublic GFreeChartXY.GFreeChartXYItem getPlaneCoordinates(boolean isSecondaryAxis)
- We consider secondary axis unitspublic GFreeChartXY.GFreeChartXYItem getItemCoordinates()
public GFreeChartXY.GFreeChartXYItem getItemEvent()
public void chartMouseClicked(org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseEvent event)
in interface org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseListener
public void chartMouseMoved(org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseEvent event)
in interface org.jfree.chart.ChartMouseListener
public void setEventTooltipList(List<String> tooltipList)
- tool tip listpublic org.jfree.chart.entity.ChartEntity getChartEntity()
public GFreeChartXY.GPlotPosition getLastClickPosition()
public String generateLabel(org.jfree.chart.plot.Crosshair crosshair)
in interface org.jfree.chart.labels.CrosshairLabelGenerator
public GFreeChartXY.GAxis getXAxis()
public GFreeChartXY.GAxis getYAxis()
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