See: Description
Class | Description |
GCheckBoxWithIndicator |
Implements a GCheckBox with a GLabelWithIndicator.
GChoice |
Widget implementing a group of GChoice controls.
GColorChooser |
This class represents a button allowing to choose a color.
GComboBoxWithLabel |
Implements a
GComboBox with a GComboBoxWithLabel and adds the GReadWrite interface
to save/load the selected value from the configuration file. |
GComponentList |
Class GComponentList allows handling a list of widgets extending from GComponent.
GConsole |
Specialized text area that can redirect the stdout and stderr from the current process.
GConstantSelector |
Class implementing a GButton and a GDialog allowing the selection of constants from a list
provided by the user.
GEntryConstant |
Class implementing a GEntryReal plus a GConstantSelector.
GEntryDate |
Class representing a text entry with a label.
GEntryDateVector |
Vector of GIntField widgets.
GEntryFileName |
Class to define a widget for searching file names giving its relative or absolute names.
GEntryInt |
Entry class for integer numbers.
GEntryIntVector |
Vector of GIntField widgets.
GEntryNumberAbstract |
Abstract vector class encapsulating the common methods to GEntryIntVector and GEntryRealVector.
GEntryReal |
Entry widget accepting real numbers in scientific and normal notation, and unit management.
GEntryRealVector |
This class is in charge of vector handling by means of fields to input real numbers.
GEntryString |
This class defines an input field for a one-line text with a label.
GEntryVectorAbstract |
Abstract class defining the common code and methods for the different GEntryVector classes.
GLabelWithIndicator |
Class composed of a label, a "isModified" indicator and the icons to represent the status of
another widget (OK, WARN, ERROR).
GListSelect |
GListSelect class.
GListWithLabel |
Implements a
GList with a GLabelWithIndicator and adds the
GReadWrite interface to save/load the selected value from the
configuration file. |
GMenu |
Class defining the menus to be used into the menu bars.
GMenuBar |
Class defining the menu bar that can be associated to GFrame objects.
GMenuItem |
Class defining the elements of menu to be used for creation of the menu bar.
GMultipleChoice |
Widget implementing a group of
GCheckBox controls. |
GMultipleStructureChoice |
This class represents a GTree of objects to choose a compatible GComponent to load from a xml structure
GObjectComboBoxWithLabel<T> |
It is a
GComboBoxWithLabel linked to a list of objects of a generic type T. |
GObjectSelector<T> |
Class implementing a GButton and a GDialog allowing the selection of objects from a list provided
by the user.
GOpenCloseButton |
The class defines a specific button, called openCloseButton, having two states : open or closed.
GPopupList |
The class implements a
GPopupMenu associated with a GHyperlinkLabel . |
GPopupListWithLabel |
The class implements a label
GLabelWithIndicator , and a GPopupList . |
GSliderAbstractWithLabel |
Abstract class encapsulating the common methods for GSliderWithLabel and GSliderRealWithLabel.
GSliderRealWithLabel |
This class defines a real slider having a validity interval.
GSliderWithLabel |
This class defines an integer slider having a validity interval.
GTable1D |
The class implements a table for functions of a single variable x, the same variable for all
represented functions.
GTextAreaWithLabel |
Class defining a textArea with a label.
Enum | Description |
GTable1D.TableOrientation |
Defines the orientation of the table.
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