Interface | Description |
GTextAreaInterface |
Interface defining the methods that shall be implemented by the classes that can subsititute a GTextArea in
a GCommandLauncher, or a GConsole for example.
Class | Description |
GBufferedTextArea |
Class defining a GTextArea with an offline buffer in order to improve the performance when
treating for example outputs from programs.
GButton |
This class represents a push button, that can be enabled or disabled at will.
GCheckBox |
Class representing a checkbox widget.
GComboBox |
ComboBox widget used to select one input in a list of labels.
GContainer |
Class used to define a container object grouping widgets.
GDateField |
Date field class.
GDetachedPanel |
Class representing a detached panel.
GDialog |
Represents a dialog object.
GDocumentFilterAbstract |
Abstract class to handle the common functions of the DocumentFilter classes :
GTextField.GDocumentFieldFilterAbstract , private GTableRealEditor.GDocumentFilterReal, have to
inherit. |
GFileChooser |
Class representing the GENIUS environment.
GFrame |
The class GFrame defines a high-level window including a title and a menu bar.
GHyperlinkLabel |
The class GHyperlinkLabel defines a label blue and underlined.
GIcon |
The class GIcon defines the commonly used icons based on choice among icons of GENIUS resources,
and the associated icon type name among : OPEN, SAVE, EXIT, START, STOP, WARNING, ERROR, INFO,
GImage |
Widget used to display an image.
GIntField |
Implements a field capable of formatting double values in normal and scientific formats.
GLabel |
Label widget based in the JLabel SWING widget.
GList |
Class to implement a GENIUS version of JList.
GNumberFieldAbstract |
Abstract class defining the interface that shall be followed by the GIntField and GRealField.
GPanel |
Class corresponding to the SWING component JPanel, representing a panel where
the different widgets are displayed.
GPopupMenu |
Class used to handle the display of a pop-up menu.
GProgressBar |
This class represents a progress bar basically to be used for representing the progress of the
GCommandLauncher processes.
GRadioButton |
Class representing a radio button based on the JRadioButton widget.
GRealField |
This class implements a field which allows entering and displaying only real numbers, double values in
normal and scientific formats.
GSeparator |
Represents a separator line widget based on the JSeparator.
GSlider |
Integer slider class based on the JSlider widget.
GSliderAbstract |
Abstract class encapsulating the common methods for GSlider and GSliderReal.
GSliderReal |
Real slider class based on the JSlider widget in order to input real numbers.
GSplitPane |
GSplitPane is used to divide two (and only two) GComponents.
GStandardDialog |
Class used to created dialogs with standard buttons.
GStandardExceptionDialog |
Class used to created standard dialogs for showing errors.
GStandardMessageDialog |
Class used to created standard dialogs for showing an information message.
GStandardPanelDialog |
Class used to created dialogs with standard buttons.
GTabbedPane |
Tabbed pane widget based on the JTabbedPane Swing widget.
GTextArea |
Text area class derives from the JTextArea.
GTextField |
Class representing a text entry field.
GTime | |
GToggleButton |
Toggle button widget based in the JToggleButton Swing widget.
GTree |
Class to implement a GENIUS version of JTree.
GTree.GTreeNode |
Enum | Description |
GFrame.CloseAction |
Enumerated listing the possible behaviors of the GFrame when the window is closed by the window
DoNothingOnClose: Don't do anything; require the program to handle the operation in the before or after
GIcon.Type |
Types of icons.
GLabel.Rotation |
Enum to define the rotation of the label.
GPanel.ScrollBarVisibility |
Enumerate to list the possible visibilities for a scroll bar.
GStandardDialog.TypeOfDialog |
Enumerate defining the possible configurations of the dialog buttons.
GStandardPanelDialog.TypeOfDialog |
Enumerate defining the possible configurations of the dialog buttons.
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