Package | Description |
fr.cnes.genius.highLevel |
Package containing classes for the highLevel GENIUS widgets.
fr.cnes.genius.lowLevel |
Package containing the low level widgets.
fr.cnes.genius.table |
Package containing the GTables classes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GEntryRealVector.add(int rank,
Object value)
Adds an item to the vector.
abstract void |
GEntryVectorAbstract.add(int rank,
Object value)
Adds an item to the vector.
void |
GSliderRealWithLabel.setDefaultValue(double memoryValue)
Set the default value.
void |
GEntryReal.setDefaultValue(double memoryValue)
Set the default value.
void |
GEntryRealVector.setDefaultValue(Object defaultValue)
Set the new default value.
abstract void |
GEntryVectorAbstract.setDefaultValue(Object defaultValue)
Set the new default value.
void |
GTable1D.setDefaultValues(Object... defaultValues)
Setter for the default values for each vector of the table.
void |
GSliderRealWithLabel.setSavedValue(double memoryValue)
Set the saved value.
void |
GEntryReal.setSavedValue(double memoryValue)
Set the saved value.
void |
GEntryRealVector.setSavedValue(int rank,
Object numberValue)
Sets the saved value of an element of the vector and then updates the modified indicator.
abstract void |
GEntryVectorAbstract.setSavedValue(int rank,
Object objectValue)
Sets the saved value of an element of the vector and then updates the modified indicator.
void |
GTable1D.setSavedValues(Object[]... vectors)
Setter for the table saved values.
void |
GSliderRealWithLabel.setValue(double value)
Set the value of the slider.
void |
GEntryReal.setValue(double memoryValue)
Set the value of the entry.
void |
GSliderWithLabel.setValue(int value)
Set the value of the slider.
void |
GEntryRealVector.setValue(int rank,
Object numberValue)
Sets the value of an element of the vector and then updates the status of the vector.
void |
GEntryVectorAbstract.setValue(int rank,
Object objectValue)
Sets the value of an element of the vector and then updates the status of the vector.
void |
GEntryDate.setValue(String stringValue)
Set the value of the field.
void |
GTable1D.setValues(Object[]... vectors)
Setter for the table values.
Constructor and Description |
Constructor by default.
GEntryDate(String label,
String value)
GEntryDate(String widgetId,
String label,
String stringValue)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
GDateField.formatDuration(double duration,
GDateUtils.GDateFormat format,
GUnit unit)
Format duration.
static String |
GDateField.formatDurationCal(double duration)
Format duration.
static String |
GDateField.formatDurationISO8601(double duration)
Format duration.
String |
Get duration from GTime.
String |
Get the duration value of the field as a string.
double |
Get duration from GTime.
void |
GTime.setDefaultDuration(double defaultDuration)
Set default duration value.
void |
GTime.setDuration(double duration)
Setter for the duration value in seconds.
void |
GDateField.setDuration(double duration)
Set the duration value of the field with a double.
void |
GSliderReal.setValue(Number value)
Set the value of the widget.
abstract void |
GSliderAbstract.setValue(Number numberValue)
Set the value of the widget.
void |
GTime.setValue(String stringDuration)
Set duration from string.
void |
GDateField.setValue(String stringDuration)
Set the duration value of the field with a string.
Constructor and Description |
GDateField(String textDate)
GDateField(String widgetId,
String textDate)
Empty constructor.
GTime(String label)
GTime(String label,
double duration)
GTime(String widgetId,
String label)
GTime(String widgetId,
String label,
double duration)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GTable.setColumnHeaderDefaultValue(double defaultValue)
Set the default value for the column header cells.
void |
GTable.setColumnHeaderValue(int columnIndex,
double value)
Sets a value into a column header cell.
void |
GTableModel.setColumnName(int columnModelIndex,
Double newValue,
String newUnitString)
Sets the names of the column headers into the list of header names.
void |
GTable.setDataDefaultValue(double defaultValue)
Set the default value for the data cells.
void |
GTableModel.setDataDefaultValue(double defaultValue)
Set the default value for the data cells.
void |
GTable.setDataValue(int rowIndex,
int columnIndex,
double value)
Sets a value into a data cell.
void |
GTableModel.setDataValue(int rowModelIndex,
int columnModelIndex,
Double newValue,
String newUnitString)
Set the value of the data for the cell identified by rowModelIndex and columnModelIndex.
void |
GTable2D.setDefaultValues(Double rowHeaderDefaultValue,
Double columnHeaderDefaultValue,
Double dataDefaultValue)
Set the table default values for the row header, the column header and the data.
void |
GTableModel.setHeaderDefaultValue(double defaultValue)
Set the default value for the header cells.
void |
GTable.setRowHeaderDefaultValue(double defaultValue)
Set the default value for the row header cells.
void |
GTable.setRowHeaderValue(int rowIndex,
double value)
Sets a value into a row header cell.
void |
GTable.setValues(double[][] data,
double[] columnHeaderValues,
double[] rowHeaderValues)
Set the values of the table.
void |
GTable2D.setValues(double[][] data,
double[] columnHeaderValues,
double[] rowHeaderValues)
Set the values of the table.
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